Vision ...
The Prime
Objective of Telos is providing Technical Services of wide
range including Safety, Energy Audit and
Valuation related services of highest International Standard
under one umbrella and provide meaningful contribution in
avoiding /reducing/controlling the accidents and
losses/transferring the losses in a sustained manner so as to
achieve satisfaction of being part of positive efforts in
preserving national assets.
Our Mission ...
"Achieve formidable and enviable position in the field of
Safety, Energy Audit and Valuation related services."
About Energy Audit
Energy Audit is a systematic process of
verification, monitoring and analysis of the energy consumption in any setup,
with the objective of identifying energy waste areas and improving the energy
efficiency of the operations, thereby saving on energy costs.
The Energy Audit Report will include practical and technically feasible
recommendations for improving the energy efficiency, along with cost benefit
analysis, investments, savings, payback period etc.
Energy audit plays a vital role in the area of Energy Management in any
industry, utility company, buildings, commercial complex, hospital, hotels,
dairy etc., which has significant energy consumption.
The Process
Detailed study of the
electrical and thermal energy consumption is carried out during the course of an
energy audit. This involves monitoring the performance parameters, taking
measurements on key equipments etc. In addition to
sector/company/equipment-specific audit checks, energy audit also includes
wherever applicable, study of energy invoice data, review of fuel system,
measurement of motor loading, determining performance of pumps, blowers,
compressors, HVAC systems, lighting, boilers, heat exchangers, furnaces, ovens,
utilities e.g. steam system, compressed air, refrigeration system etc.
The Role Of Telos
Telos has a dedicated team of qualified Energy
Auditors who are certified by the Bureau of Energy Efficiency, Ministry of
Power, Government of India. They are having rich background of working in the
Indian industry and have done extensive work in the field of Energy
Conservation, Energy Efficiency. Telos energy team members in their individual
capacities, have totally conducted over 100 Energy Audits for over 20 years,
covering a wide spectrum of industries.
The Law
The Government of India has passed the Energy Conservation Act-2001. Various
regulations will also be coming in place for most of the energy consumers.
Periodic Energy Audits by Accredited Energy Auditors & their certifying the
energy consumption norms & standards of production, will become mandatory as per
law, for all ‘designated consumers’. But above all, Energy audit will directly
benefit the consumer by resulting in reduced energy bills.